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TTTOPICSETUP -- add a default topic setup for the TIMETABLE variable to a topic

  • The %TTTOPICSETUP% variable is handled by the TimeTablePlugin.
  • Syntax: %TTTOPICSETUP{attr1="value1" attr2="value2" ...}%
  • Example:
    • %TTTOPICSETUP{timezone="-1"}% sets the time zone to '-1'
    • %TTTOPICSETUP{eventfgcolor="yellow" eventbgcolor="green"}% sets the default event forground and background colors to yellow and green
  • Related: VarTIMETABLE, VarTTCM, TimeTablePlugin, CalendarPlugin, HolidaylistPlugin
Topic revision: r5 - 2024-01-15, AlexanderWeimer
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