aw schriftzug.png aw logo 60x60.png


Create a table with a list of people on holidays

The HolidaylistPlugin handles the %HOLIDAYLIST% macro to insert a vacation list on the current page. Smilies are used to indicate if a person is in work or on holiday.

The plugin creates a table filled with Smilies where today's date will be the first column. There is a row in the table for each person and each day is flagged as either: head bang, getting mad (in work), yes (a day off) or cool (absent for some time), indifferent, speechless (not at work; used if you type a location). You can also use other smilies (like :skull:).

Example (image):

WARNING As of version 1.031 of the plugin, it no longer supports preferences set in this topic. If you have locally customised preferences this way, you will need to move those preference settings into SitePreferences, remembering to put HOLIDAYLISTPLUGIN_ before the preference names (see the examples below).

Usage Examples

To insert vacations into the table, create a bullet list. Three spaces and then a *.

The syntax is described below (Syntax).

Example1: To list that John will be away on 1-July-2005
   * 01 Jul 2005 - John
Example2: To list that Mary will be away from 3-Sep - 9-Sep 2005
   * 03 Sep 2005 - 09 Sep 2005 - Mary 
Example3: To list that Jill will be in Paris from 10-Sep - 11-Sep 2005 and in Tokyo on 15 Sep 2005
   * 10 Sep 2005 - 11 Sep 2005 - Jill - Paris

   * 15 Sep 2005 - Jill - Tokyo
Example4: To list that Eve will be ill from 12-Sep - 20-Sep 2005 with her own 'smily'
   * 12 Sep 2005 - 20 Sep 2005 - Eve - is ill - :skull: 
Example5: To list that Lisa will by not at work from April to June and the complete December 2005:
   * Apr 2005 - Jun 2005 - Lisa
   * Dec 2005 - Lisa

Example6: To list in all time table entries that anybody will be not at work on Christmas Day:
   * 25 Dec 2005 - Christmas Day @all

Example7: There are several attributes (see Attributes) like days (defaults to 30days) and tablecaption (defaults to null).

%HOLIDAYLIST{days="90" tablecaption="Planned Holidays"}%


The syntax follows that of the CalendarPlugin. See Foswiki:Extensions.CalendarPlugin for more details.

Entry type Syntax Example
Single entry  * dd MMM yyyy - name  * 01 Jul 2005 - Jane
 * dd MMM yyyy - name - location  * 01 Jul 2005 - Sarah - in Paris
 * dd MMM yyyy - name - location - icon  * 01 Jul 2005 - Eve - ill - :skull:
Interval entry  * dd MMM yyyy - dd MMM yyyy - name  * 01 Aug 2005 - 22 Aug 2005 - EvaMaria
 * dd MMM yyyy - dd MMM yyyy - name - location  * 02 Sep 2005 - 10 Sep 2005 - JohnDo - in London
 * dd MMM yyyy - dd MMM yyyy - name - location - icon  * 02 Oct 2005 - 22 Oct 2005 - Fred - is ill - :skull:
 * MMM yyyy - name  * May 2005 - Carl
 * MMM yyyy - name - location  * Jun 2005 - Sam - in Sidney
 * MMM yyyy - name - location - icon  * Nov 2005 - Lisa - is ill for a complete month - :skull:
 * MMM yyyy - MMM yyyy - name  * Jun 2005 - Jul 2005 - Lily
 * MMM yyyy - MMM yyyy - name - location  * Feb 2005 - Apr 2005 - Lisa - is not at work
 * MMM yyyy - MMM yyyy - name - location - icon  * Nov 2005 - Dec 2005 - Lola - is 2 month not at work - :yes:
Exception insert the following before the name field and after a date (range):  X { dd MMM yyyy, dd MMM yyy - dd MMM yyyy }  * Dec 2005 X { 5 Dec 2005 - 7 Dec 2005, 12 Dec 2005 } - Sarah - will be away for the complete December except between 5 Dec and 7 Dec and on 12 Dec 2005
Public Holidays just type '@all' in the name field  * 25 Dec 2005 - Christmas Day @all

Notes and hints:
  • At least one space character have to stay before and after a seperator ('-'). This allows you to use a '-' in names, locations or icons, e.g. if you have a composite name like Eva-Maria.
  • If you enable the compatmode (see Attributes) you can use all event types of the Foswiki:Extensions.CalendarPlugin
  • If you change the default language ('lang' attribute; see Attributes) you can use your language specific month and day names or the abbreviations for any entry type (including Foswiki:Extensions.CalendarPlugin event types).
  • If you change the month names or day names ('monthnames' and 'daynames' attributes; see Attributes) you can use it for your entries (including Foswiki:Extensions.CalendarPlugin event types).
  • You can define a background color in a icon field or icon attribute (workicon, …) if you write color(<MYCOLOR>), e.g.    * 5 Mar 2009 - Green Entry - anywhere - color(green). It is also possible to combine icon and background color, e.g.    * 6 Mar 2009 - Red Entry - somewhere - color(red) :skull:.
  • You can hide all calendar entries if you put them into HTML comments, e.g:
   * 24 Dec 2005 - Sam - @home
  • You can put the entries to another topic and use the topic attribute, e.g:
%HOLIDAYLIST{topic="TimeTableDataTopic" tablecaption="Planned Holidays (see TimeTableDataTopic)"}%
  • You can hide '@all' in an entry if you put it into HTML comments, e.g:
   * 25 Dec 2005 - Christmas Day <!--@all-->

You can also use the Foswiki:Extensions.CalDAVPlugin to recover holiday calendars from a CalDAV server.


Attribute Comment Default / Example
compatmode if set to "1" all Foswiki:Extensions.CalendarPlugin event types are supported (related: compatmodeicon) compatmode="0"
daynames custom daynames (a list separated by a '¦' and starting on Monday; overrides lang attribute) daynames="M¦T¦W¦T¦F¦S¦S"
days number of days to show days="30"
enablepubholidays enables/disables public holidays (bullet list entries with a @all in a person field; related: showpubholidays, pubholidayicon) enablepubholidays="1"
lang language (related: daynames, monthnames); allows a comma separted list of languages and the first is the default, e.g. lang="English,Deutsch" allows entry definitions like    * 17 June 2009 - Test-en and    * 17. Juni 2009 - Test-de lang="English"
month set a month (e.g. Jan, Feb … or 01, 02, … 12 ) or a month offset (e.g. +0, +1, -2,...) Note: If you use this month attribute the days attribute will be ignored (days will be set to the duration of the month). month="+1"
monthnames custom month names (a list separated by '¦' and starting on January; overrides lang attribute) monthnames="J¦F¦M¦A¦M¦J¦J¦A¦S¦O¦N¦D"
namepos allows you to change the position of the names; allowed values: left, right, both namepos="left"
navdays defines the days to navigate to (default: value of the days attribute) navdays="30"
order changes the sorting order of entries and contains a comma separated list of names or special tags (default: alphanumerical order); hint: order attribute can also be used as a filter: show only listed persons (e.g. order="Bob,Bill"); specials: [:ralpha:] - sort persons reverse alphanumerical; [:nextfirst:] - next person with an entry will be shown first; [:rest:] - will be replaced by missing persons if order contains an uncomplete person list (e.g. order="Bob,Bill,[:rest:]"); [:num:] ([:rnum]) - (reverse) numerical order undefined / order="Bob,Bill,Alice,Jane,[:rest:]"
removeatwork set to "1" to remove persons without calendar entries from table removeatwork="0"
showmonthheader enabes/disables month header showmonthheader="1"
showoptions shows a navigation form showoptions="0"
showpubholidays shows public holidays as separate lines (rows) in table (related: enablepubholidays, pubholidayicon) showpubholidays="0"
showstatcol enables/disables statistics column(s) showstatcol="off"
showstatrow enables/disables statistics row(s) showstatrow="off"
showstatsum enables/disables statistics summary below/behind the statistics columns/rows; works only in conjunction with showstatcol and/or showstatrow showstatsum="on"
showweekends shows weekends if set to 1 showweekends="0"
startdate a start date (e.g. '1 Oct 2005') or a day offset (e.g. '10', '+30' or '-30') startdate="+0"
topic a comma separated list of source topics topic="%TOPIC%"
week set a week (1..52) or a week offset (-1, +0, +1, +2, …) week="+0"
year set a year (e.g. 2005, 2006 …) or a year offset (e.g. +0, +1, -1, …) year="0"
adayofficon a day off icon adayofficon=":ok:"
compatmodeicon icon used for Foswiki:Extensions.CalendarPlugin event types (only used if compatmode is enabled) compatmodeicon="8-)"
holidayicon holiday icon holidayicon="8-)"
notatworkicon not at work icon (only used if you type a location) notatworkicon=":-I"
pubholidayicon public holiday icon (related: enablepubholidays, showpubholidays) pubholidayicon=":-)"
workicon in work icon workicon="&nbsp;"
Table Formatting
border table border border="1"
cellpadding table cell padding cellpadding="1"
cellspacing tabel cell spacing cellspacing="0"
daynames custom daynames (a list separated by a '¦' and starting on Monday; overrides lang attribute) daynames="M¦T¦W¦T¦F¦S¦S"
headerformat table header format of a day; a subset of strftime conversion specifiers is supported (only date not time specificiers; see manual page or Foswiki:Development.ConvergeDateTimeFormattingModels) headerformat="<font size=\"-2\">%a<br/>%e</font>"
lang language (related: daynames, monthnames); allows a comma separted list of languages and the first is the default, e.g. lang="English,Deutsch" allows entry definitions like    * 17 June 2009 - Test-en and    * 17. Juni 2009 - Test-de lang="English"
maxheight maximum table height undefined / maxheight="200px"
monthheaderformat month header format (related: showmonthheader) monthheaderformat="%b"
monthnames custom month names (a list separated by '¦' and starting on January; overrides lang attribute) monthnames="J¦F¦M¦A¦M¦J¦J¦A¦S¦O¦N¦D"
name header content of the first cell header name="Name"
namecolors a comma separated list of names with own colors, e.g. namecolors="Mary:red,Bob:lightblue" undefined / namecolors="Bill:yellow"
navdays defines the days to navigate to (default: value of the days attribute) navdays="30"
navenable enables/disables navigation (1 - enabled; 0 - disabled) navenable="1"
navhome navigation button to the start date (%d will be replaced with page x days) navhome="%d"
navhometitle title text (tooltip text) for the navigation button to the start date navhometitle="Go to the start date"
navnext navigation button to the next navdays days navnext="&gt;¦"
navnexthalf navigation button to the next navdays/2 days navnexthalf="&gt;"
navnexthalftitle title text (tooltip text) for the navigation button to the next navdays/2 days (%n will be replaced with the half number of days to show) navnexttitle="Next %n day(s)"
navnexttitle title text (tooltip text) for the navigation button to the next navdays days (%n will be replaced with the number of days to show) navnexttitle="Next %n day(s)"
navprev navigation button to the previous navdays days navprev="<br/>¦&lt;"
navprevhalf navigation button to the previous navdays/2 days navprevhalf="&lt;"
navprevhalftitle title text (tooltip text) for the navigation button to the previous navdays/2 days (%n will be replaced with the half number of days to show) navprevtitle="Previous %n day(s)"
navprevtitle title text (tooltip text) for the navigation button to the previous navdays days (%n will be replaced with the number of days to show) navprevtitle="Previous %n day(s)"
nwidth cell width of the first column nwidth="120px"
optionspos position of the navigation form; allowed values: top, bottom, both optionspos="bottom"
optionsformat defines the output format of the navigation form; some variables are available: %(WEEK|MONTH|YEAR)SEL(<range>) - a week|month|year popup menu; %(STARTDATE|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR)OFFS(<range>) - a day|week|month|year offset popup menu; %(STARTDATE|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR)(<default value>) - a startdate|week|month|year input field; %BUTTON(<submit button text>) - a submit button; ranges are optional (range syntax: <start value>(:<end value>(:<steps>)?)?, e.g. %YEARSEL(2002:2010:1) optionsformat="Month: %MONTHSEL, Year: %YEARSEL %BUTTON(Change)"
rowcolors a comma separated list of background colors used for entries; the color count is not limited rowcolors="#ffffff,#f0f0f0"
tablebgcolor table background color tablebgcolor="white"
tablecaption table caption tablecaption="&nbsp;"
tablecaptionalign table caption alignment (top, bottom, left, right) tablecaptionalign="top"
tableheadercolor color of the table header tableheadercolor="%WEBBGCOLOR%"
tcwidth width of the icon table cells tcwidth="33px"
todaybgcolor background color for today cells (usefull if you use startdate attribute) todaybgcolor="white"
todayfgcolor foreground color for today cells (usefull for a dark todaybgcolor) todayfgcolor="black"
weekendbgcolor background color of weekend header and data table cells weekendbgcolor="%WEBBGCOLOR%"
width width of table in pixels or percent width="100%"
Table Formatting - Statistics
(ALERT! showstatcol or showstatrow should be enabled)
statcolformat statistics column format (related: showstatcol, statcolheader, statcoltitle); see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section statcolformat="%{hh}" -or- statcolofrmat="%{h}" (if showweekends set to "on")
statcolheader statistics header (related: showstatcol, statcolformat, statcoltitle); use '|' to separate multiple column headers statcolheader="#"
statcoltitle statistics tooltip (related: showstatcol, statcolformat, statcolheader); see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section statcoltitle="%{ll}" -or- statcoltitle="%{l}" (if showweekends set to "on")
statformat statistics format; overrides statcolformat and statrowformat undefined / statformat="%{hh}"
statformat_0 defines the string for the zero value of all statistics variables; Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section statformat_0="0"
statformat_i format for a single %{i} variable value; %ICON will be substituted by the icon; see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section statformat_i="%{i:%ICON} x %ICON ;"
statformat_ii format for a single %{ii} variable value; %ICON will be substituted by the icon; see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section statformat_ii="%{ii:%ICON} x %ICON ;"
statformat_l format for a single %{l} variable value; %LOCATION will be substituted by the location; see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section statformat_l="%{l:%LOCATION} x %LOCATION;"
statformat_ll format for a single %{ll} variable value; %LOCATION will be substituted by the location; see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section statformat_ll="%{ll:%LOCATION} x %LOCATION;"
statformat_perc percentage format statformat_perc="%3.1f%%"
statformat_unknown will be used for unknown locations or icons if one of the statistics variables %{l}, %{ll}, %{i} or %{ii}) is replaced statformat_unknown="unknown"
statheader statistics header; overrides statcolheader and statrowheader undefined / statheader="#"
statrowformat statistics row format (related: showstatrow, statrowheader, statrowtitle); see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section statrowformat="%{hh}" -or- statrowformat="%{h}" (if showweekends set to "on")
statrowheader statistics header (related: showstatrow, statrowformat, statrowtitle); use '|' to separate multiple row headers statrowheader="#"
statrowtitle statistics tooltip (related: showstatrow, statrowformat, statrowheader); see Statistics Column/Row Format/Title section statrowtitle="%{ll}" -or- statrowtitle="%{l}" (if showweekends set to "on")
stattitle statistics tooltip; overrides statrowtitle and statcoltitle undefined / stattitle="%{ll}"


Statistics Column/Row Format/Title

statcolformat=" <column1 format> | <column2 format> | ..."
statcoltitle=" <column1 format> | <column2 format> | ..."
statrowformat=" <row1 format> | <row2 format> | ..."
statrowtitle=" <row1 format> | <row2 format> | ..."
statformat=" <column1/row1 format> | <column2/row2 format> | ..."
stattitle=" <column1/row1 format> | <column2/row2 format> | ..."
  • you can define multiple columns/rows in statcolformat/statrowformat and statcoltitle/statrowtitle, simple use '|' as separator
  • you can use variables in the <column/row? format> definitions (see table below), e.g. statcolformat="%{l}"
  • if you use the same format definitions for statrowformat and statcolformat, statrowtitle and statcoltitle or statrowheader and statcolheader you should use the statformat, stattitle or statheader attributes
  • ALERT! statcolheader/statrowheader should have the same number of columns/rows (count of '|' should be equal)
  • display three statistics columns and rows; tooltips with percentage of days without weekends and public holidays:
    %HOLIDAYLIST{startdate="21 Jul 2008" showstatcol="on" showstatrow="on" statformat="%{ll:sick} | %{ll:holidays} | %{ww} " statheader="sick | holidays | @work " stattitle="%{lldd:sick}|%{lldd:holidays}|%{wwdd}"}%
       * 21 Jul 2008 - Sam - sick
       * 23 Jul 2008 - 25 Jul 2008 - Sam - holidays

Substituted Statistics Variables
Variable Description
%{d} number of days
%{dd} number of days without weekends
%{h} number of days in holidays
%{hh} number of days in holidays without weekends and public holidays
%{i} all icons and icon counts; use statformat_i to format an entry
%{i:ICON} count of ICON icons
%{ii} all icons and icon counts without weekends and public holidays; use statformat_ii to format an entry
%{ii:ICON} count of ICON icons without weekends and public holidays
%{l} all locations and location counts; use statformat_l to format an entry
%{l:LOCATION} location count of LOCATION
%{ll} all locations and location counts without weekends and publich holidays; use statformat_ll to fromat an entry
%{ll:LOCATION} location count of LOCATION without weekends and public holidays
%{p} day count of public holidays
%{pp} day count of public holidays without weekends
%{w} = %{d} - %{h} (day count at work)
%{ww} = %{dd} - %{hh} (day count at work without weekends and public holidays)
Percentages (value format attribute: statformat_perc)
%{hd}, %{hdd},
%{hhd}, %{hhdd}
holidays-to-days percentage with ('h'/'d') or without weekends and public holidays ('hh'/'dd')
%{id:ICON}, %{idd:ICON},
%{iid:ICON}, %{iidd:ICON}
icon-to-days percentage with ('i'/'d') or without weekends and public holidays ('ii'/'dd')
%{ih:ICON}, %{ihh:ICON},
%{iih:ICON}, %{iihh:ICON}
icon-to-holidays percentage with ('i'/'h') or without weekends and public holidays ('ii'/'dd')
%{ld:LOCATION}, %{ldd:LOCATION},
%{lld:LOCATION}, %{lldd:LOCATION}
location-to-days percentage with ('l'/'d') or without weekends and public holidays ('ll'/'dd')
%{lh:LOCATION}, %{lhh:LOCATION},
%{llh:LOCATION}, %{llhh:LOCATION}
location-to-holidays percentage with ('l'/'h') or without weekends and public holidays ('ll'/'hh')
%{pd}, %{pdd},
%{ppd}, %{ppdd}
public holidays-to-days percentage with ('p'/'d') or without weekends ('pp'/'dd')
%{wd}, %{wdd},
%{wwd}, %{wwdd}
working days-to-days percentage with ('w'/'d') or without weekends ('ww'/'dd')


Alice           indifferent, speechlessindifferent, speechlessindifferent, speechless                                               3
Bill       yes                                                     1
Bob         coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool                                 coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool19
Eve                                                             0
Jane                                                             0
Jill                                                             0
Jill's Motherhood            coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool49
John                              yes                              1
Kelly                                                   10
Lisacoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool                               30
Marycool                                      yes                     2
Sam                                                             0

  • 02 Jan 2005 - 28 Feb 2005 - Bill
  • 27 Mar 2005 - 20 Apr 2005 - Bob
  • 10 May 2005 - 01 Jun 2005 - Mary
  • 13 Jun 2005 - 12 Jun 2006 - Jill's Motherhood
  • 08 Jun 2005 - Bill
  • 10 Jun 2005 - 15 Jun 2005 - Bob
  • 12 Jun 2005 - 14 Jun 2005 - Alice - Paris
  • 17 Jun 2005 - Bob - is ill - color(#FBE3E4)
  • 10 Jul 2005 - Mary
  • 20 Jul 2005 - 02 Sep 2005 - Bob
  • 15 Sep 2005 - 15 Oct 2005 - Mary
  • 30 Oct 2005 - Jane
  • 19 Nov 2005 - Bob
  • 29 Nov 2005 - 20 Dec 2005 - Bill
  • 25 Dec 2005 - Bob
  • 6 Jun 2005 - 15 Jun 2005 - Kelly - Berlin - color(#0055b5) fgcolor(#fff)


The following settings are available as preferences:
  • Days to show (default: 30)

  • Language (default: English - see manual page of Date::Calc perl module, e.g: English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Nederlands, Dansk, suomi, …).

  • Content of the first cell (default: Name):

  • Set work icon (default: &nbsp; - old behavior: :mad: ):
    • # Set HOLIDAYLISTPLUGIN_WORKICON = head bang, getting mad

  • Set compatibility mode (default: 0; disables all Foswiki:Extensions.CalendarPlugin event types) and icon (default: 8-))

  • Set unknown parameter message (default: %RED% Sorry, some parameters are unknown: %UNKNOWNPARAMSLIST% %ENDCOLOR% <br/> Allowed parameters are (see %SYSTEMWEB%.HolidaylistPlugin topic for more details): %KNOWNPARAMSLIST%)
    • # Set HOLIDAYLISTPLUGIN_UNKNOWNPARAMSMSG = Following parameter(s) is/are unknown: %UNKNOWNPARAMSLIST%

  • Enable/Disable public holiday support (default: 1; public holiday support is enabled), show public holidays as separate lines in table (default: 0; public holidays are not shown as separate rows in table); public holiday icon (default: :-))

Note: Every attribute of %HOLIDAYLIST% can also be used as plugin setting. You only have to use capital letters.

Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server.

Open configure, and open the "Extensions" section. Use "Find More Extensions" to get a list of available extensions. Select "Install".

If you have any problems, or if the extension isn't available in configure, then you can still install manually from the command-line. See for more help.


Author: Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde (from an original by Foswiki:Main.PeterJones)
Version: 14328 (2012-03-15)
Release: 2.001
Change History:  
2.001 (15 Mar 2012) Foswiki:Tasks.Item11647: make more than one %HOLIDAYLIST per page work (again)
2.000 (28 Nov 2011) Foswiki:Main.MichaelDaum: a more professional look&feel; fixed some persistent-perl gotchas
1.033 (03 Jun 2011) Add missing topic parameter.
1.032 (20 Jul 2010) Foswiki:Tasks.Item9361: Show correct smiley if comment is white space only.
1.031 (07 Jul 2010) Foswiki:Tasks.Item8548: Split the plugin into a load-on-demand core module, and changed it to use a registered tag handler. Made it NO_PREFS_IN_TOPIC. Both changes for performance reasons. Changed the load method to expand includes in the same way as CalendarPlugin does (it would be good to share some code here). Foswiki:Tasks.Item1491: hacked/worked around problem with EditTablePlugin by enabling the recursion block in that plugin. Tested for compatibility with CalDAVPlugin and EditTablePlugin - seems OK.
1.030 (24 Nov 2009) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: improved INCLUDE support requested by Foswiki:Main.IngoKappler; added multi language support for entry definitions; fixed unknown language bug; fixed performance issue reported by Foswiki:Main.IngoKappler (thx Foswiki:Main.MichaelDaum)
1.029 (06 Mar 2009) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: changed some defaults (showmonthheader, monthheaderformat, headerformat); fixed alignments (statistics, monthheader); added maxheight attribute; allowed color definitions in icon fields
1.026 (28 Oct 2008) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added missing anchor in showoptions form action; added row color feature (new attributes: namecolors, rowcolors); added order feature (new attribute: order); added namepos attribute (place names left and/or right of a row)
1.025 (17 Oct 2008) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added div tag with style overflow:auto requested by Matthew Thomson; added query parameters feature (hlp_<attribute> in URIs); added option form feature (new attributes: showoptions, optionspos, optionsformat) requested by Matthew Thomson; improved performance; fixed minor icon related bugs
1.024 (29 Jul 2008) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added statistics feature requested by Foswiki:Main.GarySprague
1.023 (19 Jan 2008) Foswiki:Main.KennethLavrsen: fixed Item5190 - does not like whitespace after the smiley. This makes the plugin work with TWiki 4.2.0 and Wysiwyg
1.022 (18 Jun 2007) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added documentation requested by Foswiki:Main.PeterThoeny; fixed type (on=off bug)
1.021 (20 Apr 2007) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fixed minor HTML bug reported by Foswiki:Main.JfMacaud; added month header feature (showmonthheader attribute) requested by Rikard Johansson; fixed some minor bugs (documentation, preferences handling);
1.020 (21 Sep 2006) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added week attribute requested by Foswiki:Main.JanFilipsky; added tooltip to day headers;
1.019 (07 Aug 2006) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: improved navigation; fixed %ICON% tag handling bug reported by Foswiki:Main.UlfJastrow;
1.018 (25 Jul 2006) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fixed periodic event bug; added navigation feature
1.017 (31 May 2006) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fixed minor bug (periodic repeater)
1.016 (27 Apr 2006) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fixed some major bugs: deep recursion bug reported by Foswiki:Main.ChrisHausen; exception handling bug (concerns Foswiki)
1.015 (09 Feb 2006) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added class attribute (holidaylistPluginTable) to table tag for stylesheet support (thanx Foswiki:Main.HaraldJoerg and Foswiki:Main.ArthurClemens); fixed mod_perl preload bug (removed 'use warnings;') reported by Foswiki:Main.KennethLavrsen
1.014 (23 Jan 2006) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: incorporated documentation fixes by Foswiki:Main.KennethLavrsen (Bugs:Item1440)
1.013 (08 Nov 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added Perl strict pragma;
1.012 (05 Sep 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added public holiday support requested by Foswiki:Main.IlltudDaniel; improved documentation; improved forced link handling in alt/title attributes of img tags; fixed documentation bug reported by Foswiki:Main.FranzJosefSilli
1.011 (11 Jul 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: improved performance; fixed major periodic repeater bug; added parameter check; fixed flag parameter handling; allowed language specific month and day names for entries; fixed minor repeater bugs; added new attributes: monthnames, daynames, width, unknownparamsmsg
1.010 (05 Jul 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added exception handling; added compatibility mode (new attributes: compatmode, compatmodeicon) with full CalendarPlugin event type support; added documentation
1.009 (29 Jun 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fixed major bug (WikiNames and forced links in names) reported by Foswiki:Main.KennethLavrsen; fixed documentation bugs; added INCLUDE expansion (for topics in topic attribute value); added name rendering
1.008 (23 Jun 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added new attributes (nwidth,tcwidth,removeatwork,tablecaptionalign,headerformat); performance fixes; allowed digits in month attribute
1.007 (17 Jun 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: personal icon support; new attributes (month,year); icon tooltips with dates/person/location/icon; fixed '-' bug
1.006 (16 Jun 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added new features (location support; today(fg/bg)color)
1.005 (16 Jun 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: added new features (start date support; weekendbgcolor); fixed documentation bugs;
1.004 (14 Jun 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: some performance improvements; code cleanup; documentation
1.003 (13 Jun 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: fix plugin preference handling; rename some subroutines
1.002 (13 Jun 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: renders some options; fixes some documentation bugs and a white space bug
1.001 (10 Jun 2005) Foswiki:Main.DanielRohde: A complete reimplementation with many bug fixes and some new features.
1.021 (01 Jun 2005) Foswiki:Main.PeterJones: Initial version
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
MakefileEXT Makefile manage 119 bytes 2012-03-15 - 12:59 AdminUser  
example.pngpng example.png manage 30 K 2012-03-15 - 12:59 AdminUser Example
hlp.csscss hlp.css manage 1 K 2012-03-15 - 12:59 AdminUser  
hlp.css.gzgz hlp.css.gz manage 651 bytes 2012-03-15 - 12:59 AdminUser  
hlp.uncompressed.csscss hlp.uncompressed.css manage 2 K 2012-03-15 - 12:59 AdminUser  
Topic revision: r4 - 2017-02-17, UnknownUser
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