aw schriftzug.png aw logo 60x60.png
<h3>Drag and drop the object(s) to be moved</h3>
%INCLUDE{"%SYSTEMWEB%.JQueryQuickSearch" target="#op-topiclist li" label="Filter for a topic"}%
<div id="op-topiclist">
%TOPICLIST{"   * <a href='%SCRIPTURL{view}%/$web/$topic' target='$web.$topic' class='droponme'>$topic</a>" web="%web%"}%
<!--TREEVIEW{web="%web%" formatting="outline" format="* <a href='%SCRIPTURL{view}%/$web/$topic' target='$web.$topic' class='droponme'>$topic</a>" levelprefix="   "}%-->
<div id="op-dropbox" style="text-align:left;">

%FLEXWEBLIST{header="<select id='op-weblist'><option value='%BASEWEB%'>Choose a web...</option>" format="<option value='$web'> $indent(-) $name</option>" footer="</select>" subheader=" " subfooter=" "}%

<div id="treecontrol" class="hidden">
   <a title="Collapse the entire tree below" href="#">%ICON{minus}% Collapse All</a>
   <a title="Expand the entire tree below" href="#">%ICON{plus}% Expand All</a>
   <a title="Toggle the tree below, opening closed branches, closing open branches" href="#">Toggle All</a>
<div id="explorer"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="%ATTACHURL%/moveobject.js"></script>
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-02-17, UnknownUser
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