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This plugin enables you to build a self defined LDAP GUI to ease administration by distributing certain tasks to your users over a web interface. At the moment the interface is implemented by REST handlers which can be called on submit to modify or add LDAP entries by a self designed graphical user interface (GUI) consisting of forms.

The problems intended to be solved by this plugin are recurring, easy modifications to LDAP data which could be done by users, because they have the knowledge about the data. An example is that someone wants to change his email adress or data changed because the user moved to another office. That often happens over intern solutions or over an administrator because you can not expect them to know what LDAP does. So this plugin tries to provide the tools to make such things invisible and put everything together into a web based GUI. And because it is a Foswiki plugin the GUI can be designed and described flexibly.

The LdapGuiPlugin ist in an experimental state right now and will grow over time to add new functionalities. Of course there is an attempt to not alter the interface too much so that your forms are rendered useless after an update but there is a small chance that it could happen out of necessity.

The following chapters will explain the specification you need to satisfy and give some examples to give you a feeling how to use it.


This plugin is currently developed for Linux and OpenLDAP. Hopefully the interface will grow much more abstract to provide functionality on different platforms. The behavior on other systems is not tested yet.

There are some requirements to be fulfilled before you can begin to build your web GUI. Of course you first need a LDAP server (OpenLDAP would be a good choice) and some experience in administration. For configuration of LdapGuiPlugin it is also useful to have basic knowledge of Perl. You will see why a little bit later in the following chapters. To configure the connection settings for this plugin, you should read the chapter "LDAP questionnaire" in the description of LdapContrib. LdapGuiPlugin does not extend the LdapContrib, because it targets a slightly different goal which is to provide not only read but also write access to a LDAP server. Also the LdapContrib is already a mature contribution and works well for the tasks it targets. But some of the configuration is similar to LdapContrib. In fact, if you installed LdapContrib the LdapGuiPlugin can use its connection configuration.


Perl modules you will need:

  • CGI
  • Crypt::PasswdMD5
  • Digest::MD5
  • Digest::SHA
  • Encode
  • Fcntl
  • MIME::Base64
  • Net::LDAP
  • URI::Escape

  • FormPlugin: The FormPlugin enables you to build HTML forms with extra features and has a implementation of the foswiki REST interface. Read its description for more Information.
  • LdapContrib: It allows you to populate your foswiki userbase and groups by data which stored in a LDAP server. Read its description for more information.

Note: if you install the LdapContrib and want its settings to be used for LdapGuiPlugin you don't need to copy&paste. There is an option for that purpose.

Configuration in configure

After you fulfilled the requirements and installed the plugin it needs some configuration before you can start to use it properly. You could need a little Perl knowledge but you don't need to. All chapters under this topic refer to settings in configure. ( ) Note that this configurations have deep inpact on how the plugin actually works.


Before the detailed explanation, here is an overview of the configuration in configure.

option default value description
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiServerHost} '' The host of your LDAP server
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiServerVersion} '3' Server version
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiPort} 389 LDAP port
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiUseSASL} 0 Use SASL
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiSASLMechanism} 'PLAIN CRAM-MD5 EXTERNAL ANONYMOUS' SASL mechanism to use
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiUseTLS} 0 Use TLS
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiTLSSSLVersion} 'tlsv1'
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiTLSVerify} 'require'
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiAllowProxyBind} 0
LDAP structure
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiBaseDN} 'dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com' Base DN of your LDAP DIT
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiUserBase} ['ou=people,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com'] List of user bases
    'people' => 'ou=people,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com'
User base aliases which are usable in forms by the ldapAddToGroup option.
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiLoginAttribute} 'uid' name of the attribute users must use to login
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiGroupBase} ['ou=group,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com'] base of all groups
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiAllowProxyUser} 0 allow the plugin to bind against a proxy user to add new users to groups
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiBindDN}   proxy bind dn
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiBindPassword} 'secret' proxy bind password
{LdapGuiPlugin}{MemberAttribute} 'memberUid' attribute name which value defines a group member
{LdapGuiPlugin}{GroupAttribute} 'gidNumber' attribute name which value refering a group
    '100' => 'cn=groupname,ou=group,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com'
values pointing to a group dn (here for gidNumber value)
glue function
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiGlueAllow} 0 allow attribute construction
   'cn' => {
      'attributes' => [
   'delimiter'  => ' '
rules which define how attribute values are constructed
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiAllowAutosetNumericalAttributes} 0 allow to set numerical attributes automatically
    'uidNumber' => { 
        min => 1000,
        max => 65535

defines which attributes should get autogenerated and in what range

additionally you can add step => 2 to increment by 2 but 1

{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiCharSet} 'utf-8'  
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiUseTrigger} 0
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiTrustedWebs} [] a list of webs which are trusted, only requests from these webs are passed to processing
   'add' => {
      'loginName' => 'LdapLoginAttributeName',
      'loginPWD' => 'LdapLoginPasswordAttributeName'
   'modify' => {
      'loginName' => 'uid',
      'loginPWD' => 'LdapLoginPasswordAttributeName'
defines how your form logins should get named so that the plugin understands it
{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiTestMode} 0 starts the test mode, no write to the ldap will happen

Connection settings

Here you configure the way the plugin connects to your LDAP server. This part of the configuration is the same as for LdapContrib, but you can also specify another LDAP server.Also the way LdapGuiPlugin binds to the server is almost the same as LdapContrib.You need to know:
  1. The servers hostname or IP adress. Defaults to (localhost)
  2. The port your server is listening to. Defaults to 389.
  3. Should your server use SASL for authenticate connections? (strongly recommended)
  4. Should your server use TLS for LDAPS?
  5. Do you want to use proxy users? If you do not use it, the user of the formular must connect over an own LDAP login with his/her own credentials. Of course every user needs the correct access, because the LDAP ACL will decide who is able to write in the end. These options would allow to bypass the ACL configuration for the server at least for user proxies.
    • A proxy user which has access to the userbase and can modify or add entries. This will be the bind dn in place of the actual user to add or modify entries. (Don't use this - it was basically a debug feature to test functionality)
    • A proxy user which is able to modify groups. With this a user could add someone to a group without the need to grant him/her write access to group entries. This proxy user is slightly more safe because the interface only connects to him after an entry was successfully inserted. This means the user who added the entry to the database had the correct access rights and the entry can safely be added to a group. So because no one can bind to this user explicitly no one should be able to blindly add people to groups without permission. Also the bindn and password for this proxy is not published.


(# charaters define commentary begin)

{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiServerHost} =
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiPort} = 389
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiServerVersion} = 3

{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiUseSASL} = false
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiSASLMechanism} = PLAIN CRAM-MD5 EXTERNAL ANONYMOUS
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiUseTLS} = false
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiTLSSSLVersion} = tlsv1
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiTLSVerify} = require
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiTLSCAPath} = 
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiTLSCAFile} =
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiTLSClientCert} =
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiTLSClientKey} =

# user proxy
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiAllowProxyBind} = false
# group proxy 
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiAllowProxyUser} = true
# group proxy dn
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiBindDN} = cn=proxyuser,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com
# group prody password
{Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiBindPassword} = secret

GUI functionality

This section is all about configure options which have an impact on the usage of the plugin. These settings provide information about your specific LDAP structure and how the plugin gets the login data for binding. Here you need to know:
  1. The base dn of your LDAP. Defaults to dc=your,dc=domain,dc=com which will most likely not work for you. This is the root of your DIT where the plugin should operate.
  2. The user base/bases of your LDAP. This defaults to [ ou=people,dc=your,dc=domain,dc=com ] (This is a list!)
  3. The group base/bases of your LDAP. This defaults to [ ou=group,dc=your,dc=domain,dc=com ] (This is a list!)
  4. The login attribute of your LDAP. Defaults to uid.
  5. The group attribute of your LDAP. Defaults to gidNumber.
  6. The group member attribute of your LDAP. Defaults to memberUid.
  7. How the login schema should be organized for add and modify data. This option is crucial to be able to connect to the LDAP because the plugin will search for these formfield names to get the credentials to bind to the server. (make sure to choose names which are not LDAP attributes! But you can use the loginattribute to associate a modify operation directly with the logged in user.) example:
      'add' => {
                 'loginName' => 'LdapLoginAttributeName',
                 'loginPWD' => 'LdapLoginPasswordAttributeName'
      'modify' => {
                    'loginName' => 'uid',
                    'loginPWD' => 'LdapLoginPasswordAttributeName'
    this means for the LdapGuiPlugin /addData handler, that the plugin searches for the fields LdapLoginAttributeName and LdapLoginPasswordAttributeName to bind against. For /modifyData it means, it is always searched for the uid and bind against that value.
  8. You can set positive, numerical attributes automatically for new entries by a simple increment function. This can be used to autoset the uidNumber for a new user for example. This happens globally by an option in configure, so there is no option for a form to deactivate it.

Extended LDAP GUI functionality

These configurations are not necessary but can be useful to you. These settings have no effect until you actually use the corresponding option inside your forms, but they define what will be possible.


This is the configuration for the option called '!LdapGuiGlue'. You can use this option later to construct ('glue together') LDAP attributes out of form data, static strings and/or a format. (e.g.: cn = givenName + sn where givenName and sn are inside the form → cn will be "glued together" automatically) To do so you need to configure some rules how these attributes should be 'glued together'. Gluerules are specified to be a hash containing 2 - 4 parameter keys. Note that this specification will most likely change because it has great potential to be both: extended and simplified.

Necessary parameters
  • delimiter
The delimiter is bound to the specific rule, which will most likely change. For now it has the form 'delimiter' => 'STRING'

  • attributes
Attributes are regulary given as a list of attribute names. If you want to use 'hard coded' strings, you must specify which attribute name should be treated as a string through a bitmask. Normally every attribute name will be searched in the query parameters. That means there needs to be a form field with that name or a corresponding key&value pair in the request if no strings are used. It has the form: 'attributes' => ['attributename1' , 'attributename2' , … , 'attributenameN']

Optional parameters
  • asString
This parameter is also given as a list and must have the same count of elements as the attributes parameter list. It is a simple true (1) false (0) bitmask which indicates if an attribute should be treated as a string and therefore shall not be searched inside query parameters. Example for an email: 'attributes' => ['uid' , ''] You dont want to search for a form field with the name '' but much rather use the string itself. So the bitmask is: 'asString' => [0,1] (Note that numerical values don't need to be quoted)

  • formatfunctions
This parameter is a list of predefined format functions which will be applied to the constructed LDAP attribute value. At the moment there are only two functions:
  1. lowercase
  2. uppercase


We want to be able to automatically construct the LDAP attributes 'uid', 'homeDirectory' and 'cn' as follows:
  • homeDirectory
    1. The first part of the result is a string "/home"
    2. The second part is the uid which gets constructed
    3. We want an empty delimiter.
    4. homeDirectory = '/home/' + + uid
  • cn
    1. There have to be two fields named 'LdapFirstName' and 'sn' on the form.
    2. The delimiter should be a space
    3. cn = LdapFirstName + ' ' + sn
  • uid
    1. There have to be a fiel named sn on the form.
    2. It should be lowercased
    3. uid = lowercase ( sn )

For this you need the following configuration for {Plugins}{LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiGlue}:

  'homeDirectory' => {
                       'delimiter' => '',
                       'asString' => [
                       'attributes' => [
  'cn' => {
            'delimiter' => ' ',
            'attributes' => [
  'uid' => {
             'formatFunctions' => [
             'delimiter' => '',
             'attributes' => [

  • the order in which you give the definition of the 'glue rules' for the LDAP attributes is not important.
  • You should not construct cyclic rules (e.g.: A = B+C, B = A+C, C='oh oh' ).
  • The attribute which gets constructed will get ignored even if you have a form field with the same name (e.g. there is no form field 'uid' needed and it would be ignored)
  • 'asString' is a bitmask.
  • The feature is not flexible enough to contruct multiple values for one attribute automatically.

Now you specified that the function LdapGuiGlue can be used in a form to construct the LDAP attributes uid, homeDirectory and cn. This means for example that if you want to generate the uid you just need to define a form field 'sn'. Now your form must only send the information, that the uid should get constructed with by inserting:
  • <input type="hidden" name="LdapGuiGlue" value="uid"/>
    for simple html or
    for the FormPlugin

Usage / building a GUI

LdapGuiPlugin gives you just an interface for your own GUI on Foswiki. This is implemented by a set of REST handlers. When you design forms for the GUI, you design the queries which the LdapGuiPlugin will process. These queries need a form so that LdapGuiPlugin can handle them to build reasonable entries out of the data the query holds. Also of course the access configuration of the LDAP server should be suitable. A form could be perfectly serve your needs, but if the users can't change anything because of the LDAP ACLs this plugin can't do magic. (well you could bypass it by a proxy user but this is suicide)

For creating GUIs you just need to know how to build HTML forms or you can use a plugin which is able to create them.


The goal of the plugin is to perform LDAP actions preferably by a form submit. It is also possible to invoke an action by a request URL, but this approach may be too troublesome. Therefore you must know how the form should look like and what content it represents.

  • Your form has a type which indicates the action the plugin will perform by the defined formdata(add, modify, …). This means the plugin needs to know some of the semantics of your form to process the data correctly. Therefore use what you need by calling one of the currently available REST handlers:
  • The REST handler must be called on submit with the formfield data as parameters
  • Use the POST method

Deleting entries is not yet implemented and may not be handled by the plugin in the first place.

Form fields

  • A formfield which represents a LDAP attribute must have the same name as the LDAP attribute. (LDAP attribute: sn => form field name = sn) Otherwise the plugin will not recognize it.
  • Also the attribute you wish to use needs to be defined by the LDAP schema.
  • There are special GUI based options defined by the plugin. These are names which are known by the plugin to trigger functionality. (do not confuse with configure options)
  • Any other attribute, which is not an option or not known by the LDAP schema, gets ignored.
  • LDAP attribute names are case insensitive and so are form field names.
  • There are no explicit checks if the attribute is able to have multiple values at the moment. If one does not pay attention to that fact the plugin may fails. For example if your form tries to submit multiple values for the attribute 'gidNumber' which is defined single valued.
Example for form fields which represent LDAP attributes:
<input name="sn" type="text" "">
<input name="HOmEdIReCtoRY" type="text" "">
<input name="givenName" type="text" "">

Example for form fields which represent LDAP options:
<input name="HASHME" type="hidden" value="userPassword=ssha">
<input name="ldapguiglue" type="hidden" "uid,cn">

Option fields

LdapGuiPlugin comes with a set of possible options which are able to influence the workflow of LdapGuiPlugin. Options are simply form fields with a special name and a value. The easiest approach to use an option is to create a hidden input tag. The following subchapters will show which option you can use for which form type and what they do. Here is an overview of all option fields:
option what does it?
LdapGuiGlue Defines which attributes for the current form must get constructed.
HashMe Defines which attributes of the current form must get hashed and which methods must be used.
LdapGuiAddToUserBase Defines in which userbase the entry must be inserted (if adding a new entry)
LdapGuiModifyAdd If you modify an entry you can specify that the value of the formfield should be added to the corresponding LDAP attribute
LdapGuiModifyDel If you modify an entry you can specify that the value of the formfield should be deleted from the corresponding LDAP attribute

For all form types available


If you read the chapter above you already know how to configure the LdapGuiGlue functionality. It is defined that this function does not apply itself automatically for all forms, because is could be the case one want to construct a form where every attribute should get typed in. Therefore you need to insert an option field into your form which tells the plugin to cunstruct a certain set of attributes. Therefore you even saw an example already. To remember you:
  • <input type="hidden" name="LdapGuiGlue" value="uid"/>
    for simple html
By that single option field you now tell the plugin to cunstruct the uid out of existing attributes. In the example cunfiguration above this happens by building it out of the 'sn' form field. (which you need to define of course)


The plugin comes with the ability to store hashes inside the LDAP. This comes in handy if you want to store hashed passwords which enable users to log in over LDAP. The plugin supports the following types of hashes:
  • SHA
  • SSHA
  • Crypt
  • MD5
  • SMD5

At the moment the resulting hashes have the same structure as if generated by slappasswd so that they can be used to log in users. Note that this option has a slightly different syntax which one must follow. For each attribute you want to hash, you need to insert an own option field with the name 'HASHME'. The value must start with the attribute name which you wish to be hashed, followed by '=' and ending with a comma seperated list of hash types to be stored. Note that you should not try to store multiple hashes in attributes which are single valued. To give a example: You want to store the inputs for the userPassword form field as hashes. You want to use CRYPT, SHA, SSHA, MD5 and SMD5. The resulting option field is:

If for example a user of your form types in the value 'abcd12AB' as a password the stored values could be:

userPassword: {SHA}2Ky05bDZLtah6bEXwMtPd1ZeUD0=
userPassword: {SSHA}UJvDy13UQpqPedUIXdPP8whJF8vFbTa6
userPassword: {SMD5}S5Ze1/Ort25FiqSGyBaUemFiY2Q=
userPassword: {MD5}+fcj3ntVthYOpNtHyyu8IQ==
userPassword: {CRYPT}nw37xSELAvmTI

If you want to store hashed values with forms other than that, you need some perl knowledge. The supported methods for hashing are implemented inside the Feel free to improve this class or contribute new hash methods to it.


Example of an add form using FormPlugin

---+ New user

---++ Name

   title="the users first name"
   hint="<br/>Example: John"
   title="the users last name"
   hint="</br>Example: Doe"

---++ Location

   title="room number"
   hint="<br/>Please set the room number for the new user."

---+++ User password

   title="The userpassword"
   hint="<br/>The new users password"

---+++ LDAP Login

Please use your LDAP data to verify your identity to submit your entered data.

   title="Your Login Name"
   title="Your Password"

We set objectClasses invisible
   value="posixAccount, inetOrgPerson, person"
Also the standard group (100 is an alias for gidNumber defined in {LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiGroupIdentifier})
We define the new user gets inserted in 'ou=people,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com'
The alias 'people' is defined in {LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiUserBaseAliases}
The attributes cn, mail, homedirectory and uid get constructed by the rules defined in {LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiGlue} for the new user.
   value="cn,mail, homedirectory, uid"
The values for the userPassword attribute should get saved as hashes. (SHA, SSHA, SMD5, MD5)
   value="userPassword = sha, ssha, smd5, md5"


Example of an modify form using FormPlugin

---+ I moved to another office/building
Note: myPrinter is not a standard LDAP attribute
if it is defined by the LDAP schema, the plugin will modify it.
   title="your preferred printer:"
   options=",printera2 , printerb2, printerc2"
   labels="No Change, Printer 2nd floor building A, Printer 2nd floor building B, Printer 2nd floor building C"
   hint="<br/>Here you can change your preferred printer. If you moved to another building for example you surely want to print your stuff there."
   title="room number:"
   hint="<br/>You moved from one room to another? Please change the room number to your current one."
   hint="</br>Change your internal telephone number here."
---+++ Ldap Login

Please use your LDAP login name and password to verify your identity. Verify your changes by clicking submit.<br />
value="%LDAPGETATTRIBUTE{attribute="uid"}%" refers to the default value of {LdapGuiPlugin}{LdapGuiLoginSchema}.
That way a modification is bound to the currently logged in user. (if uid is your login attribute)

This can be changed but if uid is your login attribut the plugin will deny it to be modified.
If you want to change a foreign entry, you need to provide a full dn to that entry like that:
   title="Your ldap login name"

   title="Your ldap password"

Note: If you want a formfield value to be added to an existing set of value you need to mark it over the option LdapGuiModifyAdd. The value of that fiel needs to be the name of an LDAP formfield Example for mail attribute:
   hint="<br/>Your mail."
<input name="ldapguimodifyadd" type="hidden" value="email">

If no value is provided in mail it will add nothing and leave the mail attribute for this entry untouched.

If your want to delete a special value you need to mark the formfield with LdapGuiModifyDel. Make sure to provide a value because otherwise the whole attribute gets deleted from the entry. Example for mail attribute:
   hint="<br/>Your mail."
<input name="ldapguimodifydel" type="hidden" value="email">

If the plugin finds a value '' for the current mail attribute, it will delete it. Without a value, the attribute mail would be deleted.

Trigger API

It should be possible for specific actions to trigger workflow scripts which deal with associated data after it was successfully written to the LDAP. Possible solutions are:
  • Use a suitable LDAP backend. For slapd there are backends like slapd-sock, slapd-perl or slapd-shell which can be used.
  • If you do not need an instant trigger you could use a cron-job solution with searches.
  • Insert flags into the DIT which indicate that a script needs to get started. Another program (cronjob or something else) could consume the information and trigger events.
  • You use a daemon which communicates directly with LdapGuiPlugin.
For the last suggestion a simple calling API for daemon based solution is planned. For now it is suggested to use an external solution until a safe mechanism for the plugin exists.

LdapGuiPlugin defined Macros

The plugin comes with a small set of macros to support e.g. the FormPlugin or display of data.


If you use {UserMappingManager} = Foswiki::Users::LdapUserMapping this macro will fetch the desired attribute for the user who is authorized over the LDAP. For example if you want to display a users common name (cn) use:

If you don't use the LdapUserMapping, or a user has not the access to the attribute, or some other issue prevented the macro to succeed, it will return nothing. If multiple values are wanted (for example to fill in options for a select box) there is an option called 'max'. With that you can specify the maximum number of values which should get retrieved. Out comes a comma seperated list of values. Example:
%LDAPGETATTRIBUTE{attribute="email" max="5"}%

The output could be:,,,,

  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Interface for building a form based LDAP GUI over Foswiki


  • Organize your GUI in a own web. This way you can protect them by the configure option "trusted webs", so that requests from other webs won't work. After all it is a plugin, and anyone could use the handlers.
  • Use the access controls of Foswiki to map to your LDAP ACLs.
  • Play around in the Testmode until everything looks fine.
  • Report bugs
  • Propose new/missing features

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: Foswiki:Main.RobertFelber
Copyright: ? 2013, Robert Felber
License: GPL ( GNU General Public License)
Release: 0.1
Version: 0.1
Change History:
5 March 2013: Initial version
Foswiki Dependency: $Foswiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.006
Plugin Home: none
Feedback: none
Related Topics: Plugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, DefaultPreferences</verbatim></verbatim>
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-02-17, UnknownUser
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