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Yet another nice lightbox plugin

This package integrates the great prettyphoto jquery lightbox clone by Stephane Caron

prettyPhoto is a full blown media lightbox supporting images, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and ajax. It can be used as a drop-in replacement of JQueryPlugin's version of slimbox, another lightbox clone, shipped with foswiki by default.

prettyPhoto has been integrated by means of minimal invasive markup, that is any DIV element with a class jqPrettyPhoto will be converted into a media lightbox automatically without any extra provisions, similar to the way slimbox is used. Additional parameter to the plugin itself can be passed using JQueryMetadata.

Note that Foswiki:Extensions/TopicInteractionPlugin as well as Foswiki:Extensions/ImageGalleryPlugin will automatically switch from slimbox to prettyPhoto for lightboxing.


( using Foswiki:Extensions/ImagePlugin )


Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server.

Open configure, and open the "Extensions" section. Use "Find More Extensions" to get a list of available extensions. Select "Install".

If you have any problems, or if the extension isn't available in configure, then you can still install manually from the command-line. See for more help.



Change History

23 Jan 2017: make sure the package is still release-able; deprecated jquery.metadata - use html5 data instead
30 Sep 2011: upgrading to prettyPhoto 3.1.3; switching off overlay gallery by default for performance reasons
06 Apr 2011: initial release

PackageForm edit

Author Michael Daum
Version 1.20
Release 23 Jan 2017
Description Yet another nice lightbox plugin
Copyright © 2011-2017 Michael Daum
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Home Foswiki:Extensions/JQPrettyPhotoContrib
Support Foswiki:Support/JQPrettyPhotoContrib
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
1.jpgjpg 1.jpg manage 60 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
2.jpgjpg 2.jpg manage 82 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
3.jpgjpg 3.jpg manage 34 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
4.jpgjpg 4.jpg manage 96 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
5.jpgjpg 5.jpg manage 43 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
MakefileEXT Makefile manage 193 bytes 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
jquery.prettyPhoto.csscss jquery.prettyPhoto.css manage 20 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
jquery.prettyPhoto.css.gzgz jquery.prettyPhoto.css.gz manage 2 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
jquery.prettyPhoto.init.jsjs jquery.prettyPhoto.init.js manage 705 bytes 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
jquery.prettyPhoto.init.js.gzgz jquery.prettyPhoto.init.js.gz manage 445 bytes 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
jquery.prettyPhoto.init.uncompressed.jsjs jquery.prettyPhoto.init.uncompressed.js manage 1 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
jquery.prettyPhoto.jsjs jquery.prettyPhoto.js manage 18 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
jquery.prettyPhoto.js.gzgz jquery.prettyPhoto.js.gz manage 5 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
jquery.prettyPhoto.uncompressed.csscss jquery.prettyPhoto.uncompressed.css manage 26 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
jquery.prettyPhoto.uncompressed.jsjs jquery.prettyPhoto.uncompressed.js manage 36 K 2017-01-23 - 15:16 AlexanderWeimer  
Topic revision: r4 - 2017-02-17, UnknownUser
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