aw schriftzug.png aw logo 60x60.png
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes
Name text 40   title of the advertisement M
Picture text 80   main picture of the advertisement  
Mail text 80   contact mail adress for the advertisement  
Description textarea 80x5   short description to the advertisement  
Type select 1 job, product type of the avertisement M
Date date 10   publication date of the avertisement M
Deadline date 10   end of life of the avertisement M
Status select+values 1   status of the advertisement M
Comment textarea 80x5   comment to the advertisement  
Owner select+values 1   Person who is responsible for this topic M
Agent select+values 1   Agent who works on this topic M
Contact select+multi+values 10   contact person(s) M
Affiliation select+multi+values 10   Affiliations of the Plan  

Topic revision: r4 - 2017-02-17, UnknownUser

Impressum © Alexander Weimer GmbH