internal package
Foswiki::UI internal package
Foswiki::UI Coordinator of execution flow and service functions used by the UI packages
handleRequest($req) → $res Main coordinator of request-process-response cycle.
_execute($req, $sub, %initialContext) → $res StaticMethod
logon($session) $session
is a Foswiki session object
checkWebExists( $session, $web, $op ) Check if the web exists. If it doesn't, will throw an oops exception. $op is the user operation being performed.
topicExists( $session, $web, $topic, $op ) → boolean StaticMethod
checkAccess( $session, $mode, $topicObject ) StaticMethod
checkValidationKey( $session ) $session
- the current session object
run( $method, %context ) Supported for bin scripts that were written for Foswiki < 1.0. The parameters are a function reference to the UI method to call and initial context.
In Foswiki >= 1.0 it should be replaced by a Config.spec entry such as:
# *PERL H* # Bin script registration - do not modify $Foswiki::cfg{SwitchBoard}{publish} = [ "Foswiki::Contrib::Publish", "publish", { publishing => 1 } ];