internal package
Foswiki::Store::Rcs::Handler internal package
Foswiki::Store::Rcs::Handler This class is PACKAGE PRIVATE to Store::VC, and should never be used from anywhere else. It is the base class of implementations of individual file handler objects used with stores that manipulate files stored in a version control system (phew!).
The general contract of the methods on this class and its subclasses calls for errors to be signalled by Error::Simple exceptions.
There are a number of references to RCS below; however this class is useful as a base class for handlers for all kinds of version control systems which use files on disk.
A note on character encodings. The RCS handler classes treat web, topic and attachment names coming from the caller as character (i.e. UNICODE) data. Content, however, is always assumed to be bytes. This is done so that the handlers can operate on text (topic) content and binary (attachment) data using the same functions.ClassMethod
new($store, $web, $topic, $attachment) Constructor. There is one object per stored file.
$store is the Foswiki::Rcs::Store object that contains the cache for objects of this type. A cache is used because at some point we'll be smarter about the number of calls to RCS code we make.Note that $web, $topic and $attachment must be untainted, and encoded as utf-8 octets
finish() ObjectMethod
getInfo($version) → \%info $version
if 0 or undef, or out of range (version number > number of revs) will return info about the latest revision.
Returns info where version is the number of the rev for which the info was recovered, date is the date of that rev (epoch s), user is the canonical user ID of the user who saved that rev, and comment is the comment associated with the rev.
Designed to be overridden by subclasses, which can call up to this method if simple file-based rev info is required.
addRevisionFromText($text, $comment, $cUID, $date) $text
of new revision
checkin comment
is a cUID.
in epoch seconds; may be ignored
addRevisionFromStream($fh, $comment, $cUID, $date) $fh
filehandle for contents of new revision
is a cUID.
in epoch seconds; may be ignored
replaceRevision($text, $comment, $user, $date) $text
is the new revision
is in epoch seconds.
is a cUID.
is a string
getRevisionHistory() → $iterator Get an iterator over the identifiers of revisions. Returns the most recent revision first.
The default is to return an iterator from the current version number down to 1. Return rev 1 if the file exists without history. Return an empty iterator if the file does not exist.
getLatestRevisionID() → $id Get the ID of the most recent revision. This may return undef if there have been no revisions committed to the store.
getNextRevisionID() → $id Get the ID of the next (as yet uncreated) revision. The handler is required to implement this because the store has to be able to embed the revision ID into TOPICINFO before the revision is actually created.
If the file exists without revisions, then rev 1 does exist, so next rev should be rev 2, not rev 1, so the first change with missing history doesn't get merged into rev 1.
getLatestRevisionTime() → $text Get the time of the most recent revision
getTopicNames() → @topics $web
- Web name, required, e.g. 'Sandbox'
( 'WebChanges', 'WebHome', 'WebIndex', 'WebNotify' )
revisionExists($rev) → $boolean Determine if the identified revision actually exists in the object history.
getWebNames() → @webs Gets a list of names of subwebs in the current web
moveWeb( $newWeb ) Move a web.
getRevision($version) → ($text, $isLatest) $version
if 0 or undef, or out of range (version number > number of revs) will return the latest revision.
Get the text of the given revision, and a flag indicating if this is the most recent revision.
Designed to be overridden by subclasses, which can call up to this method if the main file revision is required.
Note: does not handle the case where the latest does not exist but a history does; that is regarded as a "non-topic".ObjectMethod
storedDataExists() → $boolean Establishes if there is stored data associated with this handler.
revisionHistoryExists() → $boolean Establishes if htere is history data associated with this handler.
restoreLatestRevision( $cUID ) Restore the plaintext file from the revision at the head.
remove() Destroy, utterly. Remove the data and attachments in the web.
Use with great care! No backup is taken!
moveTopic( $store, $newWeb, $newTopic ) Move/rename a topic.
copyTopic( $store, $newWeb, $newTopic ) Copy a topic.
moveAttachment( $store, $newWeb, $newTopic, $newAttachment ) Move an attachment from one topic to another. The name is retained.
copyAttachment( $store, $newWeb, $newTopic, $newAttachment ) Copy an attachment from one topic to another. The name is retained unless $newAttachment is defined.
isAsciiDefault ( ) → $boolean Check if this file type is known to be an ascii type file.
setLock($lock, $cUID) Set a lock on the topic, if $lock, otherwise clear it. $cUID is a cUID.
SMELL: there is a tremendous amount of potential for race conditions using this locking approach.
It would be nice to use flock to do this, but the API is unreliable (doesn't work on all platforms)
isLocked( ) → ($cUID, $time) See if a lock exists. Return the lock user and lock time if it does.
setLease( $lease ) $lease
reference to lease hash, or undef if the existing lease is to be cleared.
Set an lease on the topic.
getLease() → $lease Get the current lease on the topic.
removeSpuriousLeases( $web ) Remove leases that are not related to a topic. These can get left behind in some store implementations when a topic is created, but never saved.
openStream($mode, %opts) → $fh Opens a file handle onto the store. This method is primarily to support virtual file systems.
can be '<', '>' or '>>' for read, write, and append
respectively. %
can take different settings depending on $mode
. $mode='<'
- revision of the object to open e.g. version => 6
Default behaviour is to return the latest revision. Note that it is much more efficient to pass undef than to pass the number of the latest revision.
or ='>>' ObjectMethod
getAttachmentList() → @list Get list of attachment names actually stored for topic.
stringify() Generate string representation for debugging
numRevisions() → $integer ObjectMethod
initBinary() ObjectMethod
initText() ObjectMethod
deleteRevision() Delete the last revision - do nothing if there is only one revision
Virtual method - must be implemented by subclassesObjectMethod
revisionDiff ( $rev1, $rev2, $contextLines ) → \@diffArray rev2 newer than rev1. Return reference to an array of [ diffType, $right, $left ]
Virtual method - must be implemented by subclassesObjectMethod
getRevision($version) → $text Get the text for a given revision. The version number must be an integer.
Virtual method - must be implemented by subclassesObjectMethod
getRevisionAtTime($time) → $rev Get a single-digit version number for the rev that was alive at the given epoch-secs time, or undef it none could be found.
Virtual method - must be implemented by subclasses