%PERL{"perl expression"}%

  • Expands to the result of the perl expression, evaluated in a Safe container.
%PERL{topic="topic name"}%
  • Expands to the result of the perl program contained between %CODE{}% and %ENDCODE% in the named topic.
  • You can only use a subset of perl, as defined in the Foswiki configuration.


If the plugin is installed, the text after 'expands to' will show the result of the example.
  • %PERL{"'A String'"}% expands to A String
  • %PERL{"101 - 59"}% expands to 42
  • %PERL{topic="System.VarPERL"}% expands to 100

Perl code used for this example:
my $x = 99;
$x = $x + 1;
return $x;

This topic: System > Category > UserDocumentationCategory > Macros > VarPERL
Topic revision: 2010-11-11, UnknownUser
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